Advice from a Steno Speed Champion

Brett BovaReporter Corner

Donna Urlaub has had quite a remarkable track record when it comes to competing in national and state speed and realtime contests.  Not only is she the 2021 National Speed Contest Champion, but she also brought home the gold in 2022 as the Illinois Speed and Realtime Champion, topping both national and state wins with perfect papers! Her practice is the key, and she’s constantly working on her skill. Below is an excerpt from a recent interview Donna gave for the Illinois Court Reporters Association (ILCRA) newsletter, sharing her advice and insight for, well, just about anyone in this industry.  Feel free to scroll through and check out what she has to say! GN: Do you have any advice:   a. for students?   DU: Join your state and national associations. It’s crazy cheap for students, and you will learn so much/make great connections/maybe even win stuff, get money! Make it … Read More