The Crucial Role of Legal Videographers: 5 Reasons to Hire Them for Your Legal Proceedings and Beyond

Brett BovaBlog

Over the past few years, Urlaub Bowen has worked to implement an in-house video department that upholds the standards and integrity of the video record.  As a court reporting firm, we understand the value our legal videographers bring to the legal arena, working alongside our court reporters to capture and preserve the visual record while our reporters do the same with the spoken one.  Legal videographers play a vital role in the legal industry.  Here are five reasons why hiring one of our legal videographers can benefit the record.

1. Deposition Efficiency and Enhanced Visual Record:

By recording depositions, our legal videographers create a visual record of witness testimony, which can be viewed at any time in the future, used at trial, and even synced with the transcript to produce video clips as desired.    

2. Facilitating Remote Participation:

In remote proceedings, our legal videographers are equipped to handle virtual setups seamlessly. Whether it’s recording expert testimony to be played at trial or other legal proceedings, their technical expertise ensures that remote participants have access to the same level of detailed and accurate information as those physically present.

3. Credible and Admissible Evidence:

All our legal videographers are certified, which means they adhere to industry standards and guidelines, ensuring that the footage they capture meets the legal requirements for admissibility.

4. Professionalism and Unbiased Documentation:

Our legal videographers are impartial professionals who will ensure that the recorded footage accurately represents the events recorded and that your video record is securely and redundantly stored.   

5. Beyond the Deposition Arena:

In addition to recording witness testimony, our legal videographers offer the following:

  • Syncing deposition video with the transcript
  • Editing deposition video for trial
  • Storing and keeping your final video secure until you order it
  • Independent Medical Examinations
  • Will Signings
  • A Day in the Life
  • Site Inspections

By hiring a legal videographer, attorneys can rest assured that their cases are documented with precision and professionalism, just as they would when hiring a court reporter.  Contact us if you’re interested in hiring one of our legal videographers for your next deposition.