New Year, New Skills: Picture-in-Picture with Zoom Video Depositions

Brett BovaBlog

We had an increase in picture-in-picture requests for Zoom video depositions toward the latter part of 2020.  If picture-in-picture is something you’ve been contemplating for your Zoom depositions, or if you’re not exactly sure what a picture-in-picture deposition looks like, take a look at the link below for an example of what a Zoom picture-in-picture could look like when captured at the time of the deposition.

Some things to note:

– As demand has increased for more picture-in-picture Zoom videos, our videographers can only capture the picture-in-picture at the time of the deposition.  In other words, no putting the picture-in-picture video together after the fact.

– The videographer and the court reporter cannot share the exhibits during the deposition.  Please be prepared to share your own exhibits during the deposition.  If you need assistance with exhibit sharing, please contact our office and someone can help you.

If you’re not interested in a picture-in-picture video, then no worries.  You can get a video with only the witness (no exhibits showing on screen), just like the good ol’ days.  You can see in the example below that the exhibit was shared, but only the witness stays on the screen.