Indiana’s Ban on the Stenographer

Brett BovaBlog

Court reporting stenography machine similar to machines used by court reporters at Urlaub Bowen & Associates in Chicago, IL.


Indiana wants to ban the stenographer, and it’s important that you become aware of this.

If passed, the proposed amendment would require, in short, “that all courts record hearings in all case types and prohibit recording through shorthand or stenography.”

Click the link below to read the proposed amendment, Trial Rule 74.

The stenographer completes hundreds of hours of training in capturing verbatim testimony, various terminology (English, medical, and legal), and transcript preparation to pass a licensing exam before going to work.  This person is trained to protect the integrity of the record, your record.

Banning the stenographer would be disastrous. The stenographer has been a crucial and invaluable team member in the legal world for many, many years.  Wouldn’t you want to keep someone like that on your team?

Join us in showing your support for stenographers in Indiana.  Click the link below to submit your comments.